An Overview of Automatic Guided Vehicles

What are Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and how are they becoming more widely used within industrial manufacturing? What are Automated Guided Vehicles? Automated Guided Vehicles or AGVs, are a form of vehicle that moves autonomously from location to location to carry a payload, usually in the manufacturing process. They are not run by an operator when … Read more

State Machine Programming in Ladder Logic

This article discusses the concept of state machines and state machine programming, particularly when utilized with ladder logic. Overview Ladder logic is a common visual programming language that can execute in a PLC. Ladder logic is used to control machinery and direct processes in industrial control applications. Frequently, there is a desire to utilize ladder … Read more

The Link Between VFD Skip Frequency Parameters and Harmonics

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) can output simulated waveforms of nearly any frequency. However, in order to be truly useful, harmonics and resonance in the system must be avoided and frequency parameters should be put in place. Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are one of the most common methods of driving three-phase motors. The output is a … Read more

What is Redundancy in Control Systems?

Learn about redundancy and why it’s an important part of protecting control systems and a key part of avoiding costly system failures and malfunctions. Redundancy in control systems refers to the practice of maintaining an extra piece of equipment, devices, or software capable of performing the same functions as that of the original one at … Read more

Power Supply Troubleshooting and Testing

This article discusses the proper steps for testing the supply for proper function. Whether you’re using an industrial DIN-rail power supply or a linear supply for an audio application, these devices can fail. There are a few simple and some not-so-simple methods of testing a power supply for proper functionality. Locating the faults in a system … Read more

Controlling VFDs with Manual Inputs

To increase the flexibility of a motor control system, a variable frequency drive (VFD) is a common device that solves many motor control problems. In this article, learn how to control manual input of VFDs. Variable frequency drives solve many of the challenges associated with driving three-phase motors including adjustable speeds, networking many motors together … Read more

Introduction to Fault Tree Analysis

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) can be used in industrial systems to find faults, damages, and predictive maintenance. Learn about FTA’s basics. Setting up a complex machine or a system is challenging, but system failures cause more damage and have significant costs attached to them. It is prudent to analyze how prone the new system is … Read more

Ladder Logic in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

This article describes the programming language ladder logic used to program PLCs and shows examples of how it functions. Ladder diagram, better known as ladder logic, is a programming language used to program PLCs (programmable logic controllers). This article will briefly describe what ladder logic is and go over some examples of how it functions. … Read more

What Is a PLC? An Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers

What is a PLC? This article will lay out a succinct definition of a programmable logic controller and explain its basic components. The programmable logic controller, or PLC, is ubiquitous in every kind of process and manufacturing industry today. PLCs were initially designed to replace electromechanical relay systems in order to offer a simpler solution … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Making Sense of Prox Sensors

Detecting objects is the first field-level task that must be considered before any feedback-based control can happen. Choosing from among the nearly unlimited proximity sensors can be challenging! In a perfect manufacturing world, you could always rely on your product or process to be in the right position at the right time, every time, all … Read more