Siemens SIMATIC PLCs – Hardware History

In this first of an upcoming series, we investigate Siemens as a major PLC manufacturer, learning about the hardware, software, and key applications of each product lineup. Siemens AG is the largest energy and industrial manufacturing company in Europe, and with more than 170 years of history, it is also an innovator in many fields. … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Testing, Commissioning, and Debugging

When setting up a system for the first time, the process can seem complex and daunting. However, there are tools available to make the job much easier before commissioning. After choosing the right automation project, then adding sensors and finally establishing a control system, the time has finally come: you’re ready to set up and … Read more

Beginner’s Guide to Automation: How to Choose the Right Project

There are a lot of companies considering in-house automation or consulting with integrators for automated systems. But where do you start, and how do you even pick a project for automation? One of the most impressive things in the manufacturing world is when products are being made with little or no intervention, giving operators more … Read more

What Is a PLC? An Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers

What is a PLC? This article will lay out a succinct definition of a programmable logic controller and explain its basic components. The programmable logic controller, or PLC, is ubiquitous in every kind of process and manufacturing industry today. PLCs were initially designed to replace electromechanical relay systems in order to offer a simpler solution … Read more

The State of Automation in the Automotive Industry

Automation is constantly evolving. How is it affecting the automotive space? Automation is a booming industry in today’s climate. Virtual assistants are a staple in the average home. They turn off our connected lights, adjust the temperature on our smart thermostats, and recognize when we’ve arrived home. Human beings love efficiency, and this desire for … Read more