Robots as a Service Explained

Robots as a service (RaaS) can open the door to automation for small to mid-sized companies that are looking to automate a process without a large upfront capital investment. Figure 1. Autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) are common in warehousing applications.  What is RaaS? The software industry, particularly cloud computing, has been developing products as a … Read more

How Cobots are Helping With the Welder Shortage

The welder shortage is continuing to grow. Are cobots the answer to help relieve the welder shortage gap? Trade positions, such as machinists, welders, sheet metal workers, plumbers, and others, are in short supply. The shortage has been anticipated for decades, but the past few years have been a perfect storm. Between COVID-19 restrictions, supply … Read more

Safety Requirements for Cobots

Cobots are poised to provide major breakthroughs in robot integration alongside the workforce. The questions around safety are certainly warranted, as this single factor is the biggest consideration when integrating them into any project. Collaborative robots, or cobots, are quickly gaining traction in the workforce. The strength of these machines lies in projects where ultra-precise … Read more