Introduction to Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

Distributed control systems (DCS) evolved out of control systems for facilities, but their scope can be difficult to fully understand. This article explores the role of a DCS and how it fits in with PLCs and PACs. The early days of machine control centers were limited by the fairly basic capabilities of the CPUs inside … Read more

An Introduction to Gray Code for Encoders

This article introduces Gray code, a specialized binary arrangement necessary for absolute encoders to communicate with controllers. Computer processors that run virtually all modern control systems speak in a unique language. Values of on/off relate to the ‘binary’ system, usually represented as 1 and 0. This system works well for most industrial sensors, but one … Read more

Tips to Consider for Sensor Selection

The wide variety of sensors available for control systems leads to the daunting task of selecting the proper device. Different types of machines and programmable controllers require careful attention to detail when selecting appropriate sensors. Nearly every modern machine that needs to be repaired or upgraded has very specific requirements of what sort of data … Read more

Intro to Neutralization Process Control

Learn about the considerations that must be accounted for when designing process controls for pH neutralization. Whether you need to achieve a target pH as part of a manufacturing process or to neutralize a waste stream, pH control is both a common and complex issue in the world of process control. This article presents various … Read more

Industrial Instrumentation and Control: An Introduction to the Basic Principles

In this instrumentation and control (I & C) article, we’ll go over the fundamental terminology and concepts used when working with industrial plants. In this article, we will discuss the basic concepts and principles that govern the operation of industrial plants. Concepts associated with measurements of flow, level, temperature and pressure, electronics and pneumatics instrumentation, … Read more

What is Redundancy in Control Systems?

Learn about redundancy and why it’s an important part of protecting control systems and a key part of avoiding costly system failures and malfunctions. Redundancy in control systems refers to the practice of maintaining an extra piece of equipment, devices, or software capable of performing the same functions as that of the original one at … Read more

Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

Advanced automation and IoT devices can detect vibration, but even complex systems can miss a variable and cause chaos. Working with these systems requires years of experience in order to understand the importance of errors. Things don’t always add up and occasionally there seems to be some problem or variable happening behind the scenes that … Read more

Building Cyber Resilience In Industrial Control Systems

Industrial control system cybersecurity can be a matter of vital corporate and national interest. What are the operational risks, and how are they assessed? The problem domain of cyber resilience is so complex and dynamic that it is difficult to imagine where to begin. What practical steps ensure fiduciary responsibilities to both stakeholders and the broader … Read more