Cloud Computing and the Industrial Internet of Things

Over the last decade, cloud service providers have improved technology, particularly data security and integrity. These remain the top concern of many manufacturing businesses, but as improvements are rolled out, more and more companies are adopting cloud solutions. What is Cloud Computing? The cloud is a collection of servers that enable access to software and … Read more

Introduction to Network Routers for Industrial Applications

Network routers are designed to route and pass information between a system of connected computers and devices. Learn about the role of routers in industrial applications and how to properly maintain them. Take a look at our previous article on servers: Introduction to Servers for Industrial Applications Network routers are in charge of the flow of … Read more

Introduction to Servers for Industrial Applications

Servers are vital to the flow of information in and around organizations, acting as a hub for information transfer and storage. Learn about the role of servers in industry and the potential challenges that come with maintaining them. If you are the consumer of information, you may not pay much attention to servers, networks, and … Read more

Securing SCADA Systems from Cyber Attacks

Learn about the many ways cyber-attacks threaten SCADA systems, and what can be done to keep manufacturing and utility plants protected. In the initial days of SCADA, OEMs used proprietary communication protocols for the communication network. Over time, however, systems required parts from multiple OEMs and the communication protocol converged. This shift was instrumental for … Read more

Security Decisions in Modbus Industrial Systems

Learn about Modbus security in industrial automation, including vulnerabilities, fixes, and alternative solutions. There are many pros and cons associated with the integration of security on existing Modbus systems. The primary driver for security introduction is the addition of TCP/IP networking to utilize cloud networking, and this brings with it many potential vulnerabilities. Concern for … Read more

Building Cyber Resilience In Industrial Control Systems

Industrial control system cybersecurity can be a matter of vital corporate and national interest. What are the operational risks, and how are they assessed? The problem domain of cyber resilience is so complex and dynamic that it is difficult to imagine where to begin. What practical steps ensure fiduciary responsibilities to both stakeholders and the broader … Read more