Understanding Sensors with Timer Functions: Applications and Advantages

Sensors with timer functions advance modern automation systems, enhancing the precision and flexibility of in-process controls to ease the strict requirement for an external, clock-based logic CPU. Modern, sophisticated sensors often include integrated timing capabilities, allowing for precise coordination of actions based on input signals. These sensors offer a range of functionalities, including on delay, … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Adding Control to the System

Every automated cell requires a ‘brain’ in order to achieve the required tasks. How do you determine the necessary I/O, communication protocols, and processor necessary for controlling your system? Previously, we have covered the initial steps of choosing the proper automation project and getting started with the initial connections to the real world with sensor … Read more

Two Common Methods Used for Mapping Robot I/O Communication

There are multiple methods for mapping inputs and outputs to an industrial robot. In this article, we cover two of the most popular methods: letting the robot or the PLC control the I/O signals. There is one unavoidable question to ask during your next robotic design, no matter what brand of robot is used: you … Read more