Alternative PLC Programming Languages

For most systems, there are various languages meant for specific purposes, including Function Block, Sequential Charts, and Structured Text. By far, the most common programming language for PLCs consists of rungs of if-then logic, similar to an electrical line diagram, going by the name of ‘Ladder Logic.’ Many programmers have quite likely been exposed only … Read more

Understanding PLC Program Commands: One-Shots

Many PLC commands are well-known to programmers, including contacts, coils, timers, and counters. But a less-common instruction is the one-shot, capable of harnessing the incredible processing speeds in a CPU. One-Shot Functions In a previous article, I wrote about how to use timers in ladder logic. A typical next step is to discuss counters, being … Read more

Tutorial: First Program With Phoenix Contact’s PLCnext Platform

Learn how to get started with Phoenix Contact’s PLCnext and Engineer software, a platform that ultimately provides a PLC environment for plant control as well as an OS for more advanced IIoT projects. As we examine the scope of modern control systems around the world, there are three distinct categories of controllers. At the most … Read more

PAC vs. PLC: Introduction and Uses

In the world of automation, PLCs and PACs are often at the center of the action. But where did these machines come from, what are the functional differences between the two, and what applications are they best suited for? In the 1960s, computers were ruggedized for industrial environments where they were implemented to automate simple … Read more

Introduction to Mitsubishi PLC – FX Series and MELSOFT GX Developer

Mitsubishi’s FX series PLC is one of MELSOFT GX Developer’s most popular automation solutions for small and medium-scale applications. Learn how to use GX Developer software to program the FX series PLC. The FX series PLC is one of the introductory MELSEC product lines from Mitsubishi Electric. The company is widely recognized for the manufacturing … Read more

State Machine Programming in Ladder Logic

This article discusses the concept of state machines and state machine programming, particularly when utilized with ladder logic. Overview Ladder logic is a common visual programming language that can execute in a PLC. Ladder logic is used to control machinery and direct processes in industrial control applications. Frequently, there is a desire to utilize ladder … Read more

Ladder Logic in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

This article describes the programming language ladder logic used to program PLCs and shows examples of how it functions. Ladder diagram, better known as ladder logic, is a programming language used to program PLCs (programmable logic controllers). This article will briefly describe what ladder logic is and go over some examples of how it functions. … Read more

What Is a PLC? An Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers

What is a PLC? This article will lay out a succinct definition of a programmable logic controller and explain its basic components. The programmable logic controller, or PLC, is ubiquitous in every kind of process and manufacturing industry today. PLCs were initially designed to replace electromechanical relay systems in order to offer a simpler solution … Read more