Introduction to Network Switches for Industrial Applications

Industrial network switches connect automation equipment, controllers, and other such devices. Learn about unmanaged, managed, and PoE enabled switches, as well as the differences between switches, routers, and hubs. Take a look at our previous articles to learn what control engineers need to know about networking gear: Introduction to Servers for Industrial Applications Introduction to … Read more

Introduction to Network Routers for Industrial Applications

Network routers are designed to route and pass information between a system of connected computers and devices. Learn about the role of routers in industrial applications and how to properly maintain them. Take a look at our previous article on servers: Introduction to Servers for Industrial Applications Network routers are in charge of the flow of … Read more

Introduction to Servers for Industrial Applications

Servers are vital to the flow of information in and around organizations, acting as a hub for information transfer and storage. Learn about the role of servers in industry and the potential challenges that come with maintaining them. If you are the consumer of information, you may not pay much attention to servers, networks, and … Read more

Networking Woes | How And Why To Change the IP Address of my Computer?

Every method of connecting to an industrial device—USB, serial, or Ethernet—poses challenges. For Ethernet, we often must adjust the IP address of our PC, not only the device itself. The story is familiar. You find yourself configuring a new networked device to find that it only contains a single or double Ethernet port. No familiar … Read more

Security Decisions in Modbus Industrial Systems

Learn about Modbus security in industrial automation, including vulnerabilities, fixes, and alternative solutions. There are many pros and cons associated with the integration of security on existing Modbus systems. The primary driver for security introduction is the addition of TCP/IP networking to utilize cloud networking, and this brings with it many potential vulnerabilities. Concern for … Read more

Infrastructure From IT to OT: SCADA Platform Example with Ansible

High-level IT/OT integration in a manufacturing environment involves skills in networking communication and field equipment. This example involves automating remote connections between computers. A modern SCADA/DCS system environment comprises IT and OT infrastructure, including servers, workstations, network switches/routers, PLCs, RTUs, and IEDs that can be configured and tuned with a central software platform. Ansible is … Read more

Robot-To-PLC Handshaking

Controlling an industrial robot can be done through the use of well-crafted signal handshakes. Follow along as we dive into several robot-to-PLC communication strategies. In an automated environment, we use program instructions, oftentimes in ladder logic or structured text, to command robots and other equipment to do work. However, external devices like those robots and … Read more

Fundamentals of Industrial Networking: Basic Terms and Concepts

This article includes a list of some common definitions for industrial networking concepts, described in simplified terms to provide a baseline understanding of the concepts. Networking for industrial devices involves many concepts and terms that are uncommon for industrial electrical professionals. Although communication does involve electrical signals, that’s about the end of the list of … Read more