Understanding PLC Program Commands: One-Shots

Many PLC commands are well-known to programmers, including contacts, coils, timers, and counters. But a less-common instruction is the one-shot, capable of harnessing the incredible processing speeds in a CPU. One-Shot Functions In a previous article, I wrote about how to use timers in ladder logic. A typical next step is to discuss counters, being … Read more

Logic at the Sensor Level: Can it Simplify Automation?

Sensor networks with built-in logic functions can save cost and program execution speed, but what are those various logic functions, and when might they be preferred over normal PLC ladder logic? The logic functions that exist within some sensors are fundamental operations that process input signals to determine an output. These functions help the sensor … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Adding Control to the System

Every automated cell requires a ‘brain’ in order to achieve the required tasks. How do you determine the necessary I/O, communication protocols, and processor necessary for controlling your system? Previously, we have covered the initial steps of choosing the proper automation project and getting started with the initial connections to the real world with sensor … Read more