An Introduction to Gray Code for Encoders

This article introduces Gray code, a specialized binary arrangement necessary for absolute encoders to communicate with controllers. Computer processors that run virtually all modern control systems speak in a unique language. Values of on/off relate to the ‘binary’ system, usually represented as 1 and 0. This system works well for most industrial sensors, but one … Read more

A Look Into Rotary Encoder Types: Absolute and Incremental

This article looks at rotary encoders, covering the main types, introducing their characteristics, and introducing their key applications in control systems. Rotary encoders are one of the most important elements of industrial automation. With their compact design, high reliability, and ability to withstand any type of environment, they have won the confidence of almost all … Read more

Tips to Consider for Sensor Selection

The wide variety of sensors available for control systems leads to the daunting task of selecting the proper device. Different types of machines and programmable controllers require careful attention to detail when selecting appropriate sensors. Nearly every modern machine that needs to be repaired or upgraded has very specific requirements of what sort of data … Read more

A Guide to Identifying and Using PNP Sensors

Why do we need to use PNP sensors in certain applications, and which markings and diagrams allow us to identify these devices? Integrating sensors into control systems can be a tricky process. Not only is there a wide diversity of sensor types, but there are also competing electrical characteristics I love programmable control systems. They … Read more

Understanding Sensors with Timer Functions: Applications and Advantages

Sensors with timer functions advance modern automation systems, enhancing the precision and flexibility of in-process controls to ease the strict requirement for an external, clock-based logic CPU. Modern, sophisticated sensors often include integrated timing capabilities, allowing for precise coordination of actions based on input signals. These sensors offer a range of functionalities, including on delay, … Read more

Logic at the Sensor Level: Can it Simplify Automation?

Sensor networks with built-in logic functions can save cost and program execution speed, but what are those various logic functions, and when might they be preferred over normal PLC ladder logic? The logic functions that exist within some sensors are fundamental operations that process input signals to determine an output. These functions help the sensor … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Adding Control to the System

Every automated cell requires a ‘brain’ in order to achieve the required tasks. How do you determine the necessary I/O, communication protocols, and processor necessary for controlling your system? Previously, we have covered the initial steps of choosing the proper automation project and getting started with the initial connections to the real world with sensor … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Making Sense of Prox Sensors

Detecting objects is the first field-level task that must be considered before any feedback-based control can happen. Choosing from among the nearly unlimited proximity sensors can be challenging! In a perfect manufacturing world, you could always rely on your product or process to be in the right position at the right time, every time, all … Read more

Vibration Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

Advanced automation and IoT devices can detect vibration, but even complex systems can miss a variable and cause chaos. Working with these systems requires years of experience in order to understand the importance of errors. Things don’t always add up and occasionally there seems to be some problem or variable happening behind the scenes that … Read more

Barg vs Bara: Understanding Absolute and Gauge Pressure

A common difference of terms arises when referring to air or pneumatic pressure, and those are gauge (BarG) pressure and absolute (BarA) pressure. Both can accurately describe a system, but when performing calculations and tests, it’s important to distinguish the difference. Fluid systems rely on power transmitted through a gas or liquid to accomplish a … Read more